Workshops and Study circles
The picture system is not working for the moment. Anyhow I chose to put out our blog without the picture today. I will make another try in the afternoon.
Study circles and workshops are an important part of the library work in Gwanda.
As the picture above shows, women are studying how to grow crops in a better way.
They also provide workshops for headmasters, teachers, teacher librarians, School Development Associations, Ministry officials and others interested in School library development. The main subject is how to develop a good school library, to maintain an already existing school library and integration of library use into the curriculum.
To these workshops they also introduce the book box system.
So it can be a wide range of different subjects that are offered to the people in the region. And that wide range is important to reach out to all different people living out there both in urban (Gwanda) and rural areas in Gwanda district.
Love to you all from Kersti
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Study circle by the Edward Ndlovu Memorial Library

Study circle by the Edward Ndlovu Memorial Library
At the library there are several study circles, mostly attended by women who want s to learn something new. Like here the women learn about crops. I think this is a most wonderful idea, because these women are eager to learn something new and useful.
A lot of women in rural aeries maybe have a short time in school, and sometimes not been able to go to school at all. Now they get an opportunity to learn again. What can be better and more useful? The Staff at the library has a very good attitude to the need to go out and meet the people where they live. This is thanks to the big nice library car, that they use to transport the book boxes out to the schools in the region.
Next question must be: how can you reach the men with study circles? The subject must be attractive to a man, he must also see the immediate use of the new knowledge, time at the day or even which day in the week. And I also think that it is important to be where the men meet and try to get somebody with great influence on others interested. Sometimes it is necessary to start with something popular and easy, and then when the men have discovered how nice and useful it is, suggest the study circle that you thought of in the beginning.
Comments and discussion on this blog is very welcome. Please contact me!
Love to you all from Kersti, sitting in Hässleholm in the south of Sweden but the heart and mind in Gwanda Zimbabwe Matabeleland South .