A true happiness in these eyes!

A true happiness in these eyes!

When I look at this picture I see that the happiness over a good story or performance is the same all over the world! When you have heard somebody tell a story you feel happiness for several days afterwards! I have seen this so many times over the years. When I worked as a public librarian in Färlöv (in the south of Sweden, a small village outside Kristianstad), we worked together in the community to give the young children up to 12 years old. To work together means that the library, the church, the school and private people in Färlöv, put money together to buy a performance for the children. The individual can not afford so much, but if you put small amounts together you get so much more. Another perspective is that you start to work together you learn more about your different activities and I learnt to know so many nice people. When they heard that I got a sum from the library the school said we give you the same sum and so the church gave us a sum also. Sometimes we used the church room, sometimes the library room. This was a perfect opportunity to talk to each other and have a very nice time together.

1994 I came to Murewa in the north of Zimbabwe, it was several drama groups connected with the Culture house there. School classes came in to take part of the performance and I saw and heard lots of nice and very good poetry.

In Älmhult, at Linneskolan (Linné School) we had a girl in one of the highest classes, who had been to school in Zimbabwe (outside Harare). She did such a good performance in poetry. Our Swedish pupils are not as skilled as the Zimbabwean school children, they have much to learn! (Of course our pupils has other skills)

A couple of years ago I got a video from Jackson, from a school outside Bulawayo, who were exellent in their dance performance. I am still impressed!  This must be something to develop and what an exellent culture exchange between Swedish teachers and Zimbabwean teachers to learn how to love and preforme poetry!

Love from Sweden, from Kersti with her heart in Zimbabwe!

Blogs you can read: http://www.kersti.webblogg.se this blog is my private written both in English and Swedish. You are all invited. http://pieceofclementine.blogspot.com This is Bodils blog, my youngest daughter. She writes in English from her life in Budapest.


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