On stage again! Here we comes!

Dear friends to Edward Nlovu Memorial library in Gwanda Matabeleland South Zimbabwe Africa! Back after a real long break, but now I am here again!

I have got so many requests on start writing about the library in Gwanda again, and here we are! But I ask you all to help me and give me feedback on what I am writing! And also send material and texts to this blog.

To write in a blog is fun and interesting, because while writing you form your thoughts and idéas.

This is one of my favourite photos from Zimbabwe and shows one of many central figures at the library in Gwanda. The picture shows Mr Jackson Ndlovu with one of 4 grandchildren. Jackson is most happy when he is among the children.
 His own grandchildren, the children at the library, the children out in schools in the rural areas, which is provided with
school library books in boxes from Edward Ndlovu Library.It was the same when Jackson visited us in Sweden, it was among the children he felt most comfortable.


And that genuine interest for people is essential for a librarian, all over the world. You must feel that happiness when right book or right piece of information reach  the customer in front of  you. Maybe , if you have that good feeling you go on working with the library and providing books for many years. And in Gwanda Jackson Ndlovu is known as a passionate librarian.


Please let us be in thouch, mail us, make comments, give us ideas of what you want to know more about and so on.

My eamail is : [email protected]

Mr. Ndlovu you reach on: [email protected]



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